Driving Actionable Insights Across the Business

Embedding data into organisation’s DNA requires significant efforts. Three data leaders, from three different industries, discuss three aspects of making it happen:

  • Placing data at the heart of the decision making
  • Optimising processes to improve data to insights speed
  • Improving and measuring data culture as a key enable to becoming data-driven

Data and analytics leaders have a big task of transforming their organisations into becoming fully data-driven. Positioning the analytics professionals in the right place is key.

Luc Osborne, VP, Ingiths and Analytics at sports streaming giant DAZN describes how he distributed his team to help business units gain value from data quicker. He also describes how data continuously feeds executive decision making, helping top management build strategies based on data-driven insights, rather than gut feeling.

Organisational structure alone, however, is not enough. Data and analytics leaders must optimise their processes. Whilst the discovery stage can drive powerful outcomes, the value of the work of your data scientists will be diminished without a tight process to scale quickly in order to drive the intended outcomes.

Nicolas Busson, Data Management IT Director at Procter & Gamble describes the tripod that helps his company scale data initiatives fast – data scientists collaborate with data engineers at the right time using the right quality data ensured by the data management team.

However, all the best data processes fall short of their promise when organisation faces resistance to truly embracing the potential of data. Swiss Re have implemented a process to monitor and measure the pace at which the company’s culture is changing and whether the whole business is becoming more data-driven. Bianca Scheffler, Director, Data Economist explains that on an ongoing basis they survey data leaders for the maturity of their respective businesses. They use this data to better understand what support is needed to prepare the organisation for the next step in becoming more data-driven.

At Data Leaders, we bring a plethora of perspectives from data leaders from around the world. Experience the power of connection and tap into the joined expertise at the upcoming roundtable on Data-Driven Business Transformation on 26th November 2020.

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